Thursday 11 July 2013

Action Plan by Group 1 (Johanna Lim Ziyun, Chong Yong Liang and Shaun Tan)

Nikisha, Li Ying, and Dawn :3 Action Plan

2013 Sec 1 I&E CPS Action Plan Template

Class: S1-09

Leader: Li Ying

Member(s): Kok Li Ying, Nikisha Tan-Mishra, and Dawn Lim Gin

What (Tasks)
Who (Student In-Charge)
How (Break the task into parts and briefly explains how to get it done if necessary)
When (Completion date in terms of week and day)
Print out. Put paper in the pigeon hole on monday
Li Ying
Print out and put in the pigeon hole
15 July 2013
Design the product
Draw out the design of the product
Week 4
Design of poster
Design the poster, and print out hard copy
Week 5
Make presentation slides
Week 6
Li Ying
Send everything to Ms Lim
Week 7

Action plan- Group 5

Action Plan by Group 7

2013 Sec 1 I&E CPS Action Plan Template

Class: S1-09

Leader: Ho Jia Wei

Member(s): Ho Jia Wei, Kenneth Kiang, Kenneth Mah

What (Tasks)
Who (Student In-Charge)
How (Break the task into parts and briefly explains how to get it done if necessary)
When (Completion date in terms of week and day)
Design of Digital Poster
Ho Jia Wei
Sketch the product on hardcopy and softcopy
Draft Presentation
Kenneth Kiang
Create the slides
Write the scripts
Give the assigned roles and times for each person to present
Design of Product
Submission of final slides and reports
Kenneth Mah
Doing the poster

Submit slides and report

Thursday 4 July 2013

I&E lesson

Please bring your I&E report last term to class for I&E this week. Thank you